D3 scales can be used directly in p5 sketches. D3 scales offer a range of interpolation options. These include interpolating colors and multi-step scales.
Like most D3 functions, we must set D3 scale's settings though initial function creation using D3.scale.linear(). D3.scale.linear() will return a new function that we can use to translate numbers and strings into different scales
var d3xScale = d3.scale.linear()
Now with d3xScale, we can pass values to it to be rescaled:
var x = d3xScale(.5) // returns 25
In addition to numbers, D3.scale also can output a range of colors instead of numbers:
var colorScale = d3.scale.linear()
D3.scale also allows intermediate points to be defined.
var colorScale = d3.scale.linear()
function setup() {
//Create the p5 canvas
var width = 500,
height = 300,
margin = 30;
var c = createCanvas(width + margin*2, height + margin*2);
//Set the output range of the different scales.
var radius = 10,
maxRadius = 70
startColor = "#033E8C",
midColor = "#00D96F";
endColor = "#F2B705";
Create the three different scales used in this example. Each scale returns a function. So the variable d3xScale can be used as if it were a function such as d3xScale(.5)
var d3xScale = d3.scale.linear()
var d3colorScale = d3.scale.linear()
var d3radiusScale = d3.scale.linear()
Create a for loop and draw an ellipse using p5's drawing syntax.
for(var i = 0; i < 1; i += .01) {
var scaledX = d3xScale(i);
var scaledColor = d3colorScale(i);
var scaledRadius = d3radiusScale(i);
ellipse(scaledX, maxRadius, scaledRadius, scaledRadius);
//Add a title
text("Using D3.js scales in a p5 sketch", 30, 30);